Chinese Traditional Medical Plastic Vacuum, a medical instrument, is the use of suction into vacuum negative pressure without fire cupping device, it absorbs the advantages of traditional cupping, the use of high-tech means, overcome the shortcomings of traditional cupping, so that the ancient Chinese medicine cupping method and the glow of youth.
Read MoreSend InquiryVacuum Cupping Set, a medical instrument, is the use of suction into vacuum negative pressure without fire cupping device, it absorbs the advantages of traditional cupping, the use of high-tech means, overcome the shortcomings of traditional cupping, so that the ancient Chinese medicine cupping method and the glow of youth.
Read MoreSend InquiryEar Press Needles Auricular Acupuncture Needle is the general term of acupuncture and moxibustion. Needling means that under the guidance of the theory of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine, needles (usually referred to as filiform needles) are inserted into the patient's body at a certain Angle, and acupuncture techniques such as twisting, lifting and inserting are used to stimulate specific parts of the body so as to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. The point of penetration is called the human acupoint, or acupoint for short. According to the latest acupuncture textbooks, there are 361 acupuncture points in the human body.
Read MoreSend InquiryDisposable Sterile Acupuncture Needles is the general term of acupuncture and moxibustion. Needling means that under the guidance of the theory of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine, needles (usually referred to as filiform needles) are inserted into the patient's body at a certain Angle, and acupuncture techniques such as twisting, lifting and inserting are used to stimulate specific parts of the body so as to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. The point of penetration is called the human acupoint, or acupoint for short. According to the latest acupuncture textbooks, there are 361 acupuncture points in the human body.
Read MoreSend InquiryDisposable Painless Intradermal Needle is the general term of acupuncture and moxibustion. Needling means that under the guidance of the theory of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine, needles (usually referred to as filiform needles) are inserted into the patient's body at a certain Angle, and acupuncture techniques such as twisting, lifting and inserting are used to stimulate specific parts of the body so as to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. The point of penetration is called the human acupoint, or acupoint for short. According to the latest acupuncture textbooks, there are 361 acupuncture points in the human body.
Read MoreSend InquiryAcupuncture is the general term of acupuncture and moxibustion. Needling means that under the guidance of the theory of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine, needles (usually referred to as filiform needles) are inserted into the patient's body at a certain Angle, and acupuncture techniques such as twisting, lifting and inserting are used to stimulate specific parts of the body so as to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. The point of penetration is called the human acupoint, or acupoint for short. According to the latest acupuncture textbooks, there are 361 acupuncture points in the human body.
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