Detachable Magnetic Man Health Care Bracelets of acupoint massage is one of the fitness methods. Some of the meridians of the human body from the finger, through the wrist to the arm, there are many points distributed in the meridians or nearby, the wrist is inside and outside the pass, god door, pension, Yangchi and other important points, wearing bracelets, with the activities of the arm, so that the bracelet constantly massage the acupuncture points on the wrist, so as to achieve the purpose of fitness
Read MoreSend InquiryIn nature, anything above absolute zero constantly emits infrared radiation into the surrounding space. The magnitude of the Infrared Non-contact Forehead Thermometer of an object and its distribution by wavelength are closely related to its surface temperature. Therefore, through the measurement of the infrared energy of the object itself, it can accurately determine its surface temperature, which is the objective basis on which the infrared radiation temperature measurement is based.
Read MoreSend InquiryThe Silicone Gel Heel Sock with anti slip cushion pad relates to a sock, which is especially suitable for a long walk and an anti-skid sock for sports. It is a short rubber process point with phase interval outside the sole of ordinary socks, and a long rubber process point with many phase intervals outside the root of ordinary socks. Thus, the movement is easy, but also play a health role.
Read MoreSend InquiryBig Buns Simulation toy, also called decompression ball, vent ball, is a popular Europe and the United States of a kind of fitness ball. It uses durable high elastic materials, mainly round, egg shape two kinds of appearance, feel flexible, suitable for all ages, can exercise the palm muscle firm and finger flexibility, suitable for primary strength training and rehabilitation training.
Read MoreSend Inquiry1) Pillow Shape Rechargeable Hand Warmer Electric Hot Water Bag is a portable and rechargeable soft warmer that can provides warmth for several hours.
2) Handy, safe, reliable and versatile, use even while travelling.
3) The outer shell is high grade velvet fabric, which is soft and comfortable, enhances the feeling of warmth.
4) The liquid inside is pure water, without any toxins or chemicals added. Refilling is not necessary. Just plug in, wait for automatic switch off and enjoy the warmth.
5) Advanced heat transfer technology, the electricity is completely separated from water. The heat is distributed evenly.
Inflatable cervical air traction collar table, including air compressor, driving wheel and slave wheel, the air compressor is connected with a gas cabinet through the pipeline, the gas cabinet is connected with the gas chamber through the valve and the gas pipe, and a slide plate is arranged between the gas chamber and the cylinder.
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